With this week stretching into a mini vacation for us, we are loving the opportunity to organize and gain some extra footing a family with three children needs. This morning I read a quote that is exactly the motivation for this weekend: "I have been given the gift of TIME. I will not waste it."
My daughter and I are the only ones awake, this Saturday and it's just after 10am. We will not waste these moments. Tis' a year chalked full of learning life skills so breakfast is a perfect time to start and be sure to subscribe to the blog so you can easily follow our journey. I have years of experience and will say that I'm not bad behind the stove and with that being said, I constantly strive for perfection. .....and this entry is perfection!
So, how do you boil a perfect egg. My daughter decided she wanted to boil four eggs, as I sit and write this, she has already eaten three. We filled the smallest saucepan we had with enough water to cover the eggs one inch. We then heated the water to a boil. Once the water was boiling, we placed each egg on a spoon and dropped them in. We then took the pot off of the stove so it would not receive any additional heat but use the heat from the boiled water to cook.
Simple. You can vary the time you want to boil the egg depending on how well you want the egg cooked. We opted for 10 minutes and it has yielded us firm, not runny eggs, with a creamy taste and a beautifully rich yellow color.
Once the timer rang, we slightly cracked the eggs and placed them in cold water. We peeled the eggs without a problem and just used our hands to gently cracked them open to eat. Without salt or pepper, they have now served their purpose.
With research, I have found the most ethical egg to purchase is a pasture raised egg, probably found roadside or at a farmers market. These eggs may be much harder to find if the weather is cold but if the farmer uses a heat light, egg can be had. Make accommodations for this. We were able to find eggs that are not the most humane but one of the better choices! The instructions I followed can be found on this website. Here you can find additional cooking times if you want eggs more or less done, based on your recipe or need.
Eggs can be kept with their shell on for one week. Additional information on eggs can be found here as well. Enjoy your egg. It's the perfect protein punch! Here is another picture of a beautiful protein packed meal or snack that it the perfect convenience food.
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